Multitude Monday

Spring has finally sprung here in the North Country though all that means is that it's raining and muddy. But it's such a nice change from snow. A week ago we had 6" of snow on the ground and this week it's all gone. There are robins everywhere I look. My crocuses are up as well as other shoots. It's finally here!

Dan and I were able to go out for a walk yesterday on the trails we enjoy and the smell of pine was heavenly. Other than distant peepers, it was silent.  It felt so good to get some fresh air and actually move.

It's pouring rain and I'm having a hard time getting started. I'm off this morning to lead a service at a local nursing home so need to get moving, but on this Multitude Monday, the main thing I'm thankful for is spring!

Spring means new life, new activities, new weather and best of all Easter! I love the celebration that centers around the best gift ever given - Christ's life, death and resurrection. Because He lives I can face each day no matter what is going on in my life.

And that makes this Multitude Monday a wonderful start to my week!


  1. It is supposed to be rainy and overcast all week I hope I can make it through...

    1. April showers bring May flowers. Hang in there!!


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