Be Still

It's 7 a.m. and I'm sitting on my deck where I've been for the past hour. There is a cool breeze blowing, the skies are blue and it's going to be a beautiful day. I've finished up my quiet time and my coffee and am just sitting here and enjoying the sound of birds while I type. Normally, because we are next to the road there is a constant sound of traffic going by. But because it's Sunday and early morning, only the occasional car drives by.

When I first sat down with my Bible to read this morning, my thoughts were chaotic and I felt stressed. It's hard for me to sit still for any length of time. But this daily exercise is good for my soul. I always find it amazing that after time in God's word and prayer I gain clarity and sense His peace washing over me.

Perhaps you are feeling a bit frazzled today? Or maybe you are feeling down and depressed? It's easy to just get on with our day because we have things to do and places to go. But I want to encourage you to take some time each day to read and pray. Communion with God and turn those cares over to Him. Be still for a time and you will come away refreshed and ready to face the day.


  1. Thank you
    Yes we need to be still and listen for his quiet voice
    What I try to focus on is that my God will never leave me and he sees all


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