Full Days

My week summed up in pictures, minus the hundreds of emails and texts as I work on district details, as well as the meetings and ministry!

My neighbor feeds everything that walks or flies which is why we have a fox hanging around now. I also think the fact that our new neighbors on the other side of the church have chickens may be another reason. I'm getting lots of photo opportunities.

Because we've had so much rain I think my blackberry crop is going to be wonderful this year. The bushes are loaded with blossoms.

I made my first pie for my husband's "pie-of-the-month" gift. It was a labor of love. :-) Emily requested her favorite meal which is eggplant parmesan so we had that the other night.

I've been labeling jars, sewing and labeling items, and this afternoon and tomorrow morning I'll be baking up a storm. This afternoon will be spent making challah bread and cinnamon braided bread. Both are a soft bread that last for days which is why I'm making those today. Tomorrow will be the breads like whole wheat, rye and oatmeal.

The days are full!


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