I'm Getting off the Merry-Go-Round

A quiet few weeks are coming up. Can it possibly be? Weeks in which I have no events to plan, nowhere to be, no major things happening? Amazing! It hardly seems possible after three months of non-stop craziness.

I'm looking forward to doing some weeding in my garden, cleaning my house, perhaps making a batch or two of jam, doing some sewing, maybe even writing a bit. It hardly seems possible! 

My crazy season ended with a leadership retreat this weekend. I have an event at the end of the month but that is mostly done and is just an afternoon service. I'm looking forward to having a slower pace the next month or two.

I love the slower pace of summer! I'm finally getting off the merry-go-round for a bit.


  1. I'm sure you need a slower pace of life even if only for a short time.

  2. It will be nice for you to slow down and enjoy.


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