Multitude Monday

I read an article recently in Psychology Today about the characteristics of Highly Sensitive People. They say that about 15-20% of the population are wired differently this way and these emotionally intense adults have a specific kind of sensitivity, intensity and giftedness.  

There were five components to people with this particular personality - Emotional depth, velocity and complexity, deep empathy and sensitivity, highly acute perceptivity, a rich inner world with sensual, imaginary, and intellectual excitability, and finally, creative potential and existential angst. There were a number of characteristics under each component and I found it interesting that of the 36 characteristics mentioned, I identified with all thirty-six of them.

The article then went on to mention how people who are categorized as highly sensitive have spent most of their lives feeling lonely, or as if there were was something wrong with them. I was so thankful to read this article because it helped me to realize that I am wired differently and that it's okay. 

Some of the criticisms someone who is wired this way often face are: "Why don't you slow down?", "You worry about everything!", "You are so sensitive and dramatic.", "You are too driven." I've heard them all at some point in my life and it was a relief to read that I should stop apologizing for the way God made me.

Reading this article wasn't life-changing in any way, but it was helpful to me to see that a lot of things I struggle with and try and work through have to do with my personality and the way that I'm wired. One of the characteristics was being someone with multiple interests and creative pursuits, and not just one calling. And that one made me laugh because so many times I think that I need to just focus on one aspect of my life, and yet, my very psychological make-up is someone who can juggle multiple things.

That's my bit of self-reflection this morning. On this Multitude Monday I am very thankful for the way God made me.  While it can be a challenge and feels as if I'm swimming against everyone else, it's who I am and who He made me to be.

And for anyone interested in reading the whole article, here is the link: Feeling Intensely: The Wounds of Being "Too Much"


  1. As one sensitive soul I hear you, I too am among the sensitive type, which is why I love your blog so much.

    1. Sensitive souls of the world UNITE! lol I'm glad you enjoy my blog. Have a wonderful day, my friend!

  2. Me too!
    I do like your new look Terri.

    1. Thank you, Barb! I felt like it was time for a change.


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