Wednesday Words of Encouragement

I find that I often get fixated on the wrong things. As I look around our worship service on Sunday mornings I often see small numbers. Sometimes the mood of the room is depressed and many times it seems like people would rather be somewhere else. Those are the days when I feel very discouraged and ready to quit. "If no one else cares then why are we trying so hard?"

And therein lies the problem. Because I keep trying to do things in my own strength. I keep fixating on the wrong thing and I'm taking on the responsibility of other's spiritual walk. I recently gave a message on the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 where Jesus talks about the farmer who sowed his seed on 4 different types of soil. Nowhere in this passage does Jesus say that the farmer was responsible for the soil; he was responsible to sow the seed. 

That was a lightbulb moment for me. I'm not responsible for others acceptance or rejection of God's message. I'm not responsible for their desire to go deeper with Christ; that's their responsibility. I'm just responsible to sow that seed and share a message of truth.

God also convicted me in a different way. Rather than focus on numbers or "moods" or attitudes or what is going right or wrong in the service, I need to keep my focus on Him. How am I worshiping? Am I focusing on Him? Is my attention where it should be? When it is, what a difference in my own spirit and mood.

Will I get discouraged and focus on the wrong thing again? Probably. I've always been sensitive to moods around me. But I'm thankful when God nudges me in areas that I need to work on. And I share these tidbits with others so you can pray for me but also to encourage those who may be going through similar issues.

Onward and upward!


  1. You know if we were not told to keep the Sabbath day holy or tithe or renew our covenants through communion we would all be out at the golf course on Sunday. These are commandments for our own good. So if people look like they don't enjoy church I am with them. Do I go? YES, Do I always enjoy it? NO.?

  2. Hang in there!
    You are so right you just need to sow the seed


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