Multitude Monday on a Sunday Night

It was a busy week and I have another one coming up so I'm going to do my "Multitude Monday" post on Sunday night. In many ways it was not a very good week and yet, when I reflect back I can find many things to be thankful about.

This week I'm thankful for the blessings #3,686 - 3,700.

3686. I haven't had much time to get out back and pick our blackberries. But I was able to get about 6 cups tonight. They are starting to rot on the vine so I had to be selective in what I took but since I'm turning them into jelly these will work.

3687.  My mom finished up her chemo this past week and seems to be doing well. They will be doing three days of internal radiation but she has been feeling good despite the daily radiation and 5 weeks of chemotherapy.

3688. This spectacular sunset greeted me the other night when I was driving home. I'm thankful for the beauty of the sky here.

3689. This picture makes me happy because I'm thankful for the faithfulness of our worship team. The lady on the keyboards is filling in for our normal keyboardist and did a wonderful job. She has been very nervous about playing and yet does so well. I'm thankful for her willingness to try something new.

3690. I'm thankful for whoever discovered that sap boiled down turns into the yummy goodness of maple syrup. This is a batch of maple-pecan granola.

3691. The summer is winding down and I'm thankful for the opportunity to sell at the local farmer's market each Friday. This Friday is the last official one with music though I can continue into part of September if I choose.

3692. I was invited to take part in the Holiday Shoppes at the New York State Fairgrounds in early November. It's a 3 day event and it is a juried event. So I'm thankful that I was chosen to take part in this.

3693. I'm thankful that we got Emily all moved into her dorm on Saturday. She's not really happy about going back and was very anxious about her new suite mates so I'm praying she has a good year.

3694. Cranberry-orange scones, fresh from the oven. I'm thankful for home baked goods.

3695. I'm thankful for direct answers to prayer.

3696. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to teach an online webinar. It was a new experience, but I enjoyed it.

3697. I'm thankful for a very upbeat worship service today. We had a small group but the music was good and the message was challenging.

3698. I'm thankful for good conversations with my husband.

3699. I am so thankful for cooler temps and lower humidity. The weather has been great!

and finally.

3700. I'm thankful for a wonderful mentor who is helping me gain confidence as I prepare for my upcoming exams.


  1. So look thankful your mom is doing well
    I put her name on our prayer card yesterday at church
    God sees and hears


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