A Rollercoaster Ride

This week has been one of those weeks that feels like it's never going to end. It's been a strange mix of ups and downs, studying and work, and sitting and doing absolutely nothing. Life always seems to be series of highs and lows and my life is no different than anyone else's life.

This week's highs:

  • I've been able to get out and walk quite a bit and I'm so very thankful that my knees are doing well. The weather has been beautiful and I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

  • Twice a month we have a service at a local nursing home. It's not a great place and many of the residents are really out of it. But I'm thankful that more and more have been coming. The lady in the pink yells out, "Hallelujah" every five minutes! Love it! Sometimes I think, "Why am I doing this?" and God reminds me that whatever I do for the least of these I have done for Him.

  • I took my written consecration exam on Wednesday and it took me a full 8 1/2 hours to complete. I was so wiped out by the time I got home that I couldn't think straight. And then because I sat for so long my lower back has been in agony.I spent most of the day yesterday doing absolutely nothing. And you know what? I didn't even feel guilty about it! I just have my oral exam to take on October 22nd and then I will be finished.

This week's low points

  • Yesterday Emily called me, crying and upset. She went to her campus job to find out that they cut it and she no longer has a job. She went to the work study office and all the other jobs are now taken. So she has no job, no money and no meal plan because she didn't sign up for one because she was cooking in her suite. She will have to find some place to work off campus and I have no doubt she will find something but she's feeling heartbroken at the moment. She's had a rough couple of years and in her mind this is one more thing that is going wrong. I miss my girl's joyful spirit that she used to have. She has become quite the "glass is half empty" type person and it makes me sad.

  • In the meantime, her bad news is our bad news because we need to make sure she has food to eat. I bought a gift card to the local grocery store in her town, Dan is going to pick her up today to bring her home for the weekend (that was planned already), and we will send her back with some things to get through the next couple of week. But it makes our tight budget even tighter.
Life is never dull, is it? There are some days when it seems as if our house has a cloud hovering over it and it's very easy to feel down. There are so many other things going on that I won't share here that cause knots in my stomach.

But the one thing I am so thankful for is that God grants me new mercies each day. We have faith and our hope is in Him. He has never failed us nor forsaken us and I can count on that.

But there are fun times as well. After dinner last night, we pulled out a board game and it was really enjoyable. There was laughter, good natured ribbing and the whole mood of the house changed. 

So I keep looking for the high points, recognize that when the low points occur that they won't last, and just hold on for the ride! I never did like roller coasters but I'm learning to throw my hands up and shout, "Wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 😉


  1. Poor Emily, such a blow for her when she relied on that income. I do hope she finds something soon.
    The care home looks somehow sad, but you will never know if just one thing you have said, or sung, has touched someone.

    1. Out of all the nursing homes in the area it is the worst. They just had a big write-up on them in the local paper about a couple of patients that passed away there due to mismanagement. So I feel as if it's a good place for me to be.

  2. Hubs reads the paper twice a week at the local veterans home and his presence is about like yours. He has been doing this for 4 years now. Poor Emily. She will find something as she is resourceful like her mother. But I know how it feels to have a kid crying and you have no money to help, or you have very little money to help.

    1. She will definitely figure it out but you are right, it's hard to see our kids struggle.

  3. How is Emily going? It has been a difficult time or her and when that happens as parents it is a difficult time also

    1. I'm pleased that she's been very proactive. She lost the job on Thursday and actually got herself a phone interview on Sunday. She will hear either today or tomorrow about that one. She came home for the weekend and it was nice to have her home and I think it was good for her too. One positive thing this year so far is she has a much better roommate situation.


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