Can You Sing a Song?

I spent labor day doing just that - laboring over different projects and activities throughout the day. I blanched corn on the cob and then cut the kernels off to put in the freezer. I went grocery shopping, did laundry, studied, made dinner, sewed, and finished a book that I've been reading.

I started a new book last night, Intentional Living, by John Maxwell and so far it's good. There is nothing new in there but it's good to be reminded of the importance of living life intentionally. It's not something I'm always good at, but have certainly improved on the past few years.

I'm working hard at studying for my consecration exams and the end is in sight. My 8-hour written exam is next Wednesday and then my oral exam is October 22nd. I have so much stuffed in my head and am praying that my memory does not fail me when the time comes. It certainly is a lot different studying and trying to memorize things at the age of 57 than it was at age 17!

I have a message to put together this week for our worship service at the local nursing home next Monday. I have a Bible study to put together for a two weeks from now, a craft show to get ready for and other events happening.

There is never a dull moment around here, but I caught myself humming yesterday as I went about my work. I felt happy, I felt content, I felt at peace. And I really can't ask for more than that!

Can you Sing a Song?
by Joseph Morris

Can you sing a song to greet the sun,
Can you cheerily tackle the work to be done,
Can you vision it finished when only begun,
Can you sing a song?

Can you sing a song when the day's half through,
When even the thought of the rest wearies you,
With so little done and so much to do,
Can you sing a song?

Can you sing a song at the close of the day,
When weary and tired, the work's put away,
With the joy that it's done the best of the pay,
Can you sing a song?


  1. An 8 hour exam seems very long, and tiring too. I'll make a note to pray for you next Wednesday.

    1. They give you 8 hours to take it but everyone I've talked to has taken all 8 hours. Thank you for the prayers!

  2. Oh my you have a great task ahead of you and I am sure you will do well. I will be praying for you. That corn looks so good.


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