Searching for the Inspiration


I walked along the forest path and breathed deep the fresh scent of pine. The only sound was our footsteps and the occasional rustle of chipmunks and squirrels running around. Once in a great while there is a larger crashing as a deer runs across the path. The air was heavy with humidity and drops of water from the recent rainfall fell from the canopy above.  

I love the woods because it's one of the few places I can get away where I can think without interruption. It's one of the places where I get ideas to write about and find some inspiration. Often as I see something a thought pops into my mind which gives a great writing idea.

But the reality is that I  have felt very burdened and uninspired lately. There are times when I open up this page to write and absolutely nothing comes to me. Some of the inspiration in the past came from my children and since they are grown, there isn't as much material there. At least nothing that I have permission to share here. :-)  

Other times, I feel like my head is so stuffed with systematic theology that any sort of creativity in my writing has just been squelched. My days have been taken on a routine of working on messages, Bible studies, and then just studying and trying to memorize verses. I know that will change after I pass these exams, but there are days when I just feel like my head is going to explode.

As I walk I pray that God would begin to inspire me creatively again. That He would help me to find that joy in writing that I once had. That I would be able to take this giant-sized mass of information going into my brain and that it would come back out of me in a way that would inspire others. 

My prayer is that I would be able to encourage other people through my writing and through my ministry. So as I walk I pray and I reflect and I keep my eyes open to see something that will bring that inspiration back.


  1. you encourage me through your writing
    you are a blessing
    God uses us in ways we don't know


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