The Blessing of the Small Things

Some of the reason I love to go hiking and walking in the woods is that if you are observant and quiet, you never know what you'll see. There are so many things right under our nose that are easy to miss because we don't pay attention. If we are too noisy then we scare away some of the wildlife. If we aren't alert or paying attention we don't see the beauty that is tucked away and difficult to spot.

And that is true in our lives as well. We barrel through life and hardly notice the little things that are there just waiting to be noticed. We can get so busy looking for the momentous events for which to be thankful that we don't pay attention to the little blessings we have.

As I reflected back over the past week, there were some little things that happened that I could think are insignificant, or I could choose to thank God for them, recognizing that His hand is even in those small things. 

❤ I sat at a craft fair all day yesterday and even though it was warm, I felt comfortable because there was a slight breeze blowing. I had forgotten that there was going to be music there and it was nice to get an unexpected concert while I enjoyed the warm weather.

❤ Because the weather was warm there were many people that attended the craft fair and I had the best day of sales I've ever had. I also got to visit with different people that I only see once in a while.

❤ Every now and then I think that I really miss having chickens. But then I remember the cost of the feed, the fact that they make such a mess that you have to clean in the coop and oh yeah, the fact that the 5 I did have a few years ago all ended up being roosters! lol So then I think that's the end of that idea. But our new neighbors have chickens and they have decided that they like it better over here. So those birds are over here every day for most of the day. My neighbor on the other side of us feeds them so they have reason to come over. I realized the other day that I get the benefit of the humorous chicken-antics without the work! To me that's a cool blessing!

❤As I sat on my deck early this morning, I noticed that it was silent. There wasn't the normal weekday traffic going by so I was able to concentrate as I went through flashcards and studied.

While those things above are all seemingly insignificant things, to me they are ways that God shows His love to me. His hand is on every aspect of our lives and if we just open our eyes we will begin to see those blessings.

Perhaps they aren't so small at all, are they?


  1. Glad you had a great day of sales. I need to make more of an effort to focus on the small things that bring joy and contentment. I am often consumed by all that is stressful and perceived failures in my life.

    Thanks for the reminder :).


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