Wednesday Words of Encouragement

We live in an age where information is right at our fingertips. You can Google any question you want and get instant answers. The question is "Are they the right answers?" There is a lot of false teaching out there about what God says. I'm amazed at how often Christians get their answers about something from the internet rather than God's word. 

The only way you can be sure what the Bible teaches about something is to actually pick it up and read it for yourself. Don't rely on a Facebook meme. Don't get your information from a devotional. On a side note, there is nothing wrong with devotionals but again, it's someone's opinion of what the scripture is saying. Don't let that be your only exposure to God's Word. Read for yourself and wrestle with the passage to see what God is saying.

It is trustworthy and accurate. I want to encourage you today to open it up, dig into it and find out what God says for yourself!


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