Wednesday Words of Encouragement

Thanksgiving. We celebrate it every year. We eat turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and pies for dessert. We stuff ourselves so much we barely can move. We pray and thank God for the food and perhaps a few blessings.

But do we really understand thanksgiving? Do we give thanks every day or is it just a once a year event? And if we do thank God, do we tell others about His wonderful works in our lives?

Read Psalm 145 and you will see that thanksgiving is not just vertical, but also horizontal. We should give thanks and praise God, but we should also be telling others about what He has done for us.

Words that show vertical thanks are exalt, praise, extol, and meditate. However, there are many more words that show horizontal thanks. They are commend, tell, speak, proclaim, celebrate, and sing. They are listed over and over again.

We are to give God praise and thanksgiving for all of His wonderful works, but we are to tell others about those blessings too.

Do you share what God is doing in your life? Do you give Him the glory when He has blessed you? Or do you remain silent? When we share what the Lord has done for us that blesses others. It reveal to them how He can work in their own situation.

It is important to give God praise and thanksgiving, but it is equally important to share it with others. Don't sit on those blessings. Name them out loud.

Speak, tell, commend, proclaim, celebrate and sing! Give credit where credit is due.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. enjoy your family
    we have had so many bumps this last year but God has always shown himself to us
    So many times he has healed the painful wounds
    He is faithful
    Thank you
    you have been a blessing to me


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