Goals for the New Year

Each year I try and set some goals for the coming year. I don't always meet them all, but I do like to have something for which to aim. I'm happy to say that I did very well in 2019 and stayed on task. 

I've been sitting here and reflecting this morning about what I'd like to see happen in 2020. It's hard to get a clear picture because everything is going to be new - new home, new church family, new city, new ministry. But I want to at least get something down and I can go back and tweak it if need be.

Personal Goals
☙ Work on my weight. Move more, eat less. It's simple and I'm not going to complicate it by trying fancy diets or anything. I know what I need to do. Make healthier eating choices, eat less food and make sure I'm exercising. I've gained quite a bit of weight over the past few years and some of that is because of injuries but much of it is just bad habits have been developed.

☙ Get the new house in shape. It's going to take a number of months so this will be a goal for the new year.

☙ Finish a new book that I've been working on. I'm hoping that I'll have a bit more time to do that in the new place.

Ministry Goals
☙ I don't know what my new role will be in our new church. The board there is giving me time to do nothing but just come and worship so I'm not being plunged right into ministry roles. I know what I'm leaning towards, but it's really a wait and see thing and I'm wanting to wait on the Lord. Just because I can do something doesn't mean I should do it.

☙ Spend the first year just getting to know people in the church by inviting them over for dinner, going out for a cup of coffee, and a host of other ways.

Spiritual Goals
☙ Develop a deeper prayer life. It's difficult for me at times to sit and do nothing but pray. It's hard work, takes patience and focus. I would like to have a richer time with the Lord.

☙ My goal is always to draw closer to Christ and become more like Him. That goal hasn't changed in the new year.

I think that is more than enough to work on in the new year. Do you set goals for yourself each year? I'm not talking about resolutions but actual goals that you can break down into smaller steps in order to achieve them? I'd love to hear some of yours!


  1. Add these 3...

    1. Have dinner at the Ellicot Brewery.

    2. Take up paddle boarding.

    3. Let my brother-in-law take me and my husband on an overnight backpacking trip in the Allegheny National Forest.

    #4 Bonus...
    Take advantage of the guy I know that lost over 110 pounds to work on my weight.

    Good luck and have a healthy & prosperous 2020!

    1. Thanks Jason! :-) I'm very excited that we will be living on top of the Allegheny State Park! Happy New Year!


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