Reporting for Duty

Many times in my life I have said that I want to follow God's will and yet, more often than not, I have tried to impose my will upon Him. But I've lived long enough to know that if God is leading me then I need to follow even when I can't see the end result.

We had our first service yesterday in our new church and it was a good morning. The people were welcoming and Dan was encouraged. I came home, put my head down on my dining room table, and wept. Why? Because it was different. Different style of music, different people, different order of worship, and different role for me. I felt like a fish out of water, gasping for air.

Change is hard, and I know that I'll come to embrace this new everything, but for now I feel loss. And while I don't like the emotion, I know that it's a normal part of grieving. But I also know that God called us and we chose to be obedient in following even if that means that everything is different.

As a teenager I made a vow that I would follow God wherever He leads. 40 years later I am still determined to do that even when I can't see where that path goes. Today is a new day in my life. I'm showing up and reporting for duty and waiting to receive my instructions.

The good thing about following where God leads is that it is never a bad assignment and it always is for my good.


  1. I have been thinking about you and all the change
    I have never been good with change
    I will keep you in my prayers
    Your face will sometime come to my mind during the day
    I think this must be to say a little prayer
    Hope your mom us doing well

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Linda. I appreciate that! Yes, my mom is doing great and cancer-free! Woot!!!

  2. Oh Terri, I can understand the bewilderment you must feel in this new journey. Change is so hard for us all but you have so much to fit into your new life. Praying for your strength to return.


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