Thankful as I Start the New Year

It's been a very quiet New Year's eve and now day. The turkey is ready to go into the oven, laundry is in, and a trailer has been delivered to our house to start the process of dejunkifying (yes, I made the word up) our shed and household items.

Today we will be enjoying some things like a turkey dinner, board game, and football, but the final days before moving are upon us. It's weird to start the new year by packing up our life.

This whole process has been a neat way to see how God has met every single need we had from big ones to silly little ones:

  •  Stephen found a roommate and a place to live that is only 3 miles from his job.
  • Roommate turned out to be the son of a friend.
  • God provided financially for all the unexpected expenses that happened between preparing for a move and helping our son move.
  • We saw an advertisement on the news one night about a once a year electronic disposal event taking place and were able to get our things there just in time. (saw it two days before it happened).
  • Nathan got his transfer and starts January 20th to a better paying job at Wegmans.
  • A new case manager at Access-VR was just assigned to Nathan. Out of all the people he has had throughout the years, she has been the most communicative and has walked us through each step of moving his services.
  • We found new doctors in our new city who, wonders of wonders, were taking new patients and take our insurance. We have appointments the week after next.
  • We needed junk removed and someone is doing it for a decent fee compared to all the other places we checked out.
  • Despite all the extra expenses we even have money to pay for Emily's spring semester.
  • Someone lent us a shredder so we didn't have to buy one or pay to have items shredded.

I'm sure there are numerous other things that I'm forgetting about. I'm so thankful for seeing specific answers to prayer. 

It was a great end to 2019, and I'm looking forward to this new year. Happy New Year to you all!


  1. How good to hear the lovely positive things in your life.

  2. Yes our God is so good
    He sees all
    So happy for you and all your blessings
    You are a wonderful sister in Christ


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