Funeral Flowers and Whatnot

A friend's husband loves to tease Dan about the fact that many times the flowers he gives me are leftovers from funerals he has done. I honestly don't mind because I like flowers and I'm frugal. So when I get free and gorgeous arrangements, why would I complain? 😉 These beauties were from a funeral he did this week.

I find it amazing at how quickly we have adjusted to our new life here. And much of that is because it was very clear that this was the new assignment that God had given us. He has walked with us through each step of the way and for that I'm thankful.

This weekend I made cookies and we delivered them to the neighbors. We've been here 7 weeks and still had not met any of them. It's winter and people aren't out in their yards so I felt like we should take the initiative. So I packaged them up with a label letting them know who we are and we went knocking on doors. It was a bit out of my comfort zone but I'm glad we did it. We met all the neighbors on the opposite side of the street and the one next door to us. They were all very nice people and we are looking forward to getting to know them better.

Today Dan was able to play on the worship team which made him happy. He's not going to do it all the time but because he wasn't preaching today it gave him the opportunity.

The role I will be playing in this church is that of Disciplemaking Ministries Director so I'll provide some oversight of the educational ministries of the church. I'm looking forward to working with others to help things run a bit more smoothly. It's a great group of people to work with who are eager to move forward.

We are hosting an open house here at the end of March and all who know Dan and I, know we love a party so I'm looking forward to this event.

Last night, Dan and I were able to get together with his siblings that live nearby for dinner. We've never lived near family in 31 years of marriage and it was so nice to know we can do things like this from time to time.

God is faithful and we are both looking forward to the years of ministry that He has for us here.


  1. Terri you sound as though things are going well and you are settling in to your new home.

    1. It is going well. We feel very much at home here.


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