My Seeking Heart

Daily life is a constant barrage of words and noise. I'm finding myself exhausted by social media lately. Everyone has an opinion and there is a lot of talking with very little listening. There are thousands of opinions, hundreds of memes shared, and too many words. I've been reading a book by Charles Ringma called, "The Seeking Heart - A Journey with Henri Nouwen" and it is a series of short reflections on the human condition. It's striking a chord with me. 

I can spend a lot of time scrolling through my Facebook page, reading blogs, looking at photos on Instagram and on and on it goes. The problem with that is I am hammered on a daily basis by opinion and words. The more time I spend listening to others, the less time I have to hear from the Lord. My heart is seeking for more of God and yet, much of the time I'm busy filling it with more of people's opinion.

A friend of mine had a stroke recently which left her searching for the right word to say in certain situations and trying to figure out how to get it out. She is on the mend but one of the takeaways she received was the desire to begin to choose her words carefully. The inability to speak for a time reminded her of how casually we toss around our words.

I'm working on discipling myself to choose my words carefully. To do less talking and more listening. To sit in silence for a bit so I can hear what God is trying to say to me.

Silence is what my seeking heart needs.


  1. That's one of the reasons that I have nothing to do with social media ,Terri, and I feel the better for it.

    1. Yes, when I take a break from it I feel peace returning.


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