The Long Road Home

At times, life can seem like one long, endless road trip. We are headed home and it feels as if we will never get there. We've seen some great sights along the way, stopped a time or two for rest, and been through some difficult terrain, but in the end we just want to get home. 

But there is still a lot of road ahead and many miles to go. God isn't finished with me yet and I don't want to miss the sights along the way because I'm looking forward. I also know that there will be bumpy roads ahead, and while I'm not looking forward to those times, I know that He is with me on this trip.

But there are days when my heart looks forward with longing to the time when I'll pull into the driveway, breathe a sigh of relief and be able to say, "I'm home!"

2 Corinthians 5:6-9 (TLB) ~

Now we look forward with confidence to our heavenly bodies, realizing that every moment we spend in these earthly bodies is time spent away from our eternal home in heaven with Jesus. We know these things are true by believing, not by seeing. And we are not afraid but are quite content to die, for then we will be at home with the Lord. So our aim is to please him always in everything we do, whether we are here in this body or away from this body and with him in heaven.


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