Beauty in the Desert Places

I was in Colorado Springs last year and the beauty of that state always takes my breath away. It's such a different type of beauty than what I'm used to here on the east coast. There is beauty in the canyons, mountains and desert places.  

We are in desert places right now - isolated from one another, stuck in our homes, seeing the fear of people around us and maybe, for some of you reading right now, you also feel that fear and anxiety.

And yet, look around you and you may see some beauty in the desert. People stepping up to do what they can in a crisis - making masks, giving food to the hungry, checking in on the elderly. People are doing what they can to help even while practicing distancing.

This is an opportunity to allow God to work in you as you practice patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control in dealing with your own family in close quarters. It's an opportunity to spend much time in prayer and study. It's a time when all we rely on is stripped away and the only thing we have is our relationship with the Lord. Use this time to work on that.

There is beauty in this desert place. You have to be alert and look for it. You have to stop complaining and whining about the circumstances to hear God's voice. You have to spend time in prayer to understand what He wants you to learn from this. 

Open up your eyes and see some beauty today.


  1. Our church Connect Groups have video sessions on line at this time-Last night
    In our study one of the passages that we concentrated on was Joshua 1:9
    Yup God has this and will get us through


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