Daily Sustenance

I shake my head in dismay as I see empty grocery shelves and hear about people hoarding food. I'm tempted to give in to anxiousness and worry. I have all I need for a couple of weeks, but what if the stores don't have what I need when I need it?

I'm not giving into those worries and panicking as many are doing, but the thought does cross my mind that perhaps I should go buy more even though I don't need it. However, I push those thoughts away because that is the exactly the thing that everyone is doing which is causing the problem.

I opened my Bible this morning to the passage in John 6 where the entire chapter is talking about bread. Jesus fed the 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 small fish and later on Jesus says, "I am the Bread of Life." He is our very sustenance. He is enough for me in this day and He will provide what I need in the future. 

I was reminded of the Israelites in the desert when God blessed them with manna from heaven. He told them to gather only what they needed for that day and no more. He would provide for the daily needs. But what did they do? Some panicked and  took more than they needed and all it did was go bad by the next morning. The Israelites gave into their fear and lack of trust and hoarded. 

So as I see the fear and panic people are giving into, I'm praying that I can keep my focus where it needs to be. I have food for today - both physical and spiritual. God is sufficient for ALL of my needs TODAY and He will provide what I need for my TOMORROW.

He not only is the provider of my physical bread, but He is the spiritual bread I need. He is my basic necessity. He fills me up and keeps me satisfied. He is the life-giver. He is my daily sustenance.


  1. There is panic buying on a huge scale here, Terri. I wont do that. We always keep a good stock of things in, and I try not to worry about what lies ahead, as there may of course come a time when we do run out of everything. There are one or two home deliveries available now but the times get snapped up quickly.

    1. Stores here have actually started having special hours in the early morning for senior citizens. I'm thankful for that even though I'm not in that category yet but I'm glad stores are looking out for our senior population.

  2. We went to the senior hours yesterday
    6am to730 am
    It was very busy and many of the shelves were empty
    We were thankful we were able to get what we needed
    I thanked a women that was there putting out produce and a big smile came over her face and she said you are so welcome
    What would we do without them?
    I was listening to a sermon this morning by Rick Warren and he said his congregation was going to be reaching out to those that are in the 60 and older that should not be out go help them
    What a blessing
    We are hunkering in
    My husband is teaching online high school and university so we are thankful we will not lose wages
    What we need to remember is that our God is in control something the enemy does not want us to believe

    1. Our church is going to online only for the next few weeks and then we will evaluate moving forward given our guidelines from the governor and CDC. Doing what we need to do!

  3. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for
    your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink;
    nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not
    the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

    Matthew 6;24

    I live in the UK and there is an air of we're all in this together, and I'm sure some are thinking about "Digging For Victory".......I think the older generations will cope with restrictions, whatever form they come in.........not so sure about the younger generations, they've never had anything like this before and are used to buying what they like, when they like and moving about freely. We shall see, I hope all of us who are Christians use this time wisely to reach those who are bewildered, lost and afraid.


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