Growing into your Pot

I don't have a green thumb and it's been a running joke in our family at how many plants I manage to kill or stunt no matter how much I follow all the rules of planting and caring for them. One thing I do know is that when a plant gets too big for the pot it's in it will start to get stunted and eventually will wither and die. It needs to grow into a bigger space.

The same is true of our spiritual walk. If we stay in the same spiritual state and situation we were in when we came to faith in Christ then we will be always be a baby Christian. Without expanding our pot we will never grow beyond infancy.

As we mature in Christ we need to be stretched in our faith. And that stretching can come through a variety of ways. Sometimes it's a struggle the Lord allows us to walk through. Other times it may be through a change in ministry. It may mean that you are taken out of your comfort zone. 

It's only through being transplanted into a bigger "pot" that we will grow into maturity as the verse in Ephesians tells us. Each new challenge, trial, or ministry opportunity is like a bigger pot we are transplanted into. 

When we allow our roots to go down into the soil and are watered, we will grow bigger, stronger and ready to face the next situation. And how our maturity is developed as we compare where we are against where we should be with Christ as our example.

So embrace those bigger pots you are being transplanted into. It'll take some time for your roots to take hold. But dig down into the soil of the Lord, water yourself with time in His word and prayer, and allow yourself to be stretched. You will find yourself growing into your new pot and developing into a strong, healthy, vibrant plant.


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