Multitude Monday

I haven't done a Multitude Monday post since the end of December and feel like it's time. It's so easy to fix our eyes on our problems and begin to get overwhelmed, especially in this crazy situation the entire world finds itself in at the moment. 

I want to remember look at what God has done and be thankful for that. I want to stay positive and do what I can. What I can do is look out for my church family, neighbors, family and friends. I can stay grounded in God's word. I can pray and I can remain thankful.

This week I'm thankful for the blessings #3,748 - 3760

3748. I'm thankful that our church is stepping up during this crisis by offering to do some errands for our shut-ins, as well as providing soup and bread for those who need a meal.

3749. I am thankful that I can get out and go to my office at the church so I can at least get a change of scenery. I'm thankful that Dan and I have enough to do to keep us busy and productive.

3750. All non-essential employees have been sent home in our state for the unforeseeable future. Because Nathan works in a grocery store he is considered essential and his employer gave their employees a $2 per hour raise. 

3751. Unfortunately, Stephen was sent home to do some of his job from home. I am thankful that he asked if he could come here for a week or two because he really needs to be around people since he struggles with depression.

3752. Emily stayed on campus even though after this last week of spring break all of her classes go to online only. She had just been hired for a job in the local mall only to have it close down due to the restrictions from the governor. I'm thankful that she was able to get another interview at a local grocery store and got a call back for a second interview this week. We are praying that she gets it because she obviously needs money to eat!

3753. I'm thankful that I am able to be frugal and yet make delicious meals. All those years of staying home has prepared me for quarantine! lol 

3754. Because we live in a day of technology it is making our lives a bit easier as far as staying connected with people. We have had to cancel all of our church services for a few weeks and did our first livestream service yesterday. It went really well.

3755. My husband is not a tech guy at all and yet, he has risen to the occasion. He did his first online video this week, a first zoom meeting and a first livestream service and did a great job. I'm so thankful that he was willing to learn.

3756. I'm thankful that I know how to make most everything from scratch. I made a batch of Queso fresco cheese this week, granola and will be making a batch of soap either today or tomorrow.

Cheese in the works
3757. We made the decision to shut off the news. We still read online from different news sources, but can get it in small bytes. It just causes too much anxiety.

3758. I'm thankful that spring is here and warmer temps are coming. I'll be able to get outside and do some yard work. I can go for walks around our neighborhood. I can enjoy the sunshine!

3759. I had to cancel our district's spring women's conference. I'm thankful for a hotel that allowed us to cancel and move our deposit to next year. Normally there was a penalty for canceling so close to the event but they waived all that given the circumstances.

And finally...

3760. I'm thankful for the one thing I can control in this situation and that is my attitude.


  1. Glad to hear you are all managing. Ontario has closed all but essential services and my daughter's university closed and made everyone move off campus. She is home and doing classes online. My job is an essential service so I am working through this but with basically a very strict new job description. Still through all I have peace. 20 years ago I would have been utterly terrified at the prospect of the end times. Now, I remember Jesus words to not worry about tomorrow.
    I have been amazed at the kindness this pandemic has brought out in people. Going for walks and seeing signs in windows made by children thanking essential workers is beautiful. It lifts your spirit.
    I will remember Emily and Stephen in my prayers. My son struggles with extreme anxiety and my husband with depression. This is a challenging time for people's mental health in general.
    Stay safe!


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