Pleasant Boundary Lines



My blogging has been sporadic lately and much of that is just because I've been busy and to be honest, there are some days I just have writer's block. I've been blogging since 2008 and now adding to that, I write a monthly article for two different district newsletters so there are days that I just have no words. My family may think that's awesome! ;-)

Things are good and there are days when I feel overwhelmed with the blessing of my life. This does not mean my life is perfect. We still deal with the same struggles we always had - a son with disabilities, another with anxiety, health issues, stress issues, etc. But overall, I see God working in ME in the middle of dealing with those things and that's a good thing. 

We are settling in here and one of the things I am so thankful for is that we are only an hour away from my in-laws. Dan and I got to see my niece perform in a play last week. That was the first time that has ever happened in our married lives. When she ran to give me a hug after the performance, I realized how happy I was to be there! We've missed out on the growing up of our nieces and nephews so I'm thankful at least I can be there for this one.

I'm running my first community children's event on Saturday and looking forward to that. It's going to be a small turn-out but I'm figuring out what will work and what won't in this community. 

Emily is doing well. She sent me the above picture as she and a friend were visiting a pet shop. Yes, she is allergic to dogs and no, she can't stop touching them even when she ends up wheezing and itching. She will be a senior in college in the fall and it's hard to believe it's her last year.

Nathan came home from work yesterday to tell us they offered him a temporary full-time position at his grocery store. This is something he has been trying to get for a couple of years so I'm so happy for him. I told him that even though it's only for a couple of months it may turn into permanent.

Steve is doing well and loving his job. He's been able to come visit us every so often over the weekend. Personally, I think he comes because he likes my cooking! :-)

The church is doing well and we are settling in there too. We've been able to get to a few people's homes and some have come here. We are having an open house here at the parsonage at the end of the month and I'm looking forward to that. I love party-planning!

I have a number of upcoming speaking engagements and so much of my time is spent putting these together. I have a small office to call my own at the church which gives me a quiet space to work. I do need to do something to it to make it my own but for now it keeps me from getting distracted.

I am thankful for my life and look forward to getting up and about each day. What more could I ask for?

Psalm 16:5-6 ~

Lord, You are my portion
and my cup of blessing;
You hold my future.
The boundary lines have fallen for me
in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.


  1. Beautiful post- so happy that you are settling in and things are working out for you and your family

  2. So good to hear that things are so positive, Terri. I can see that Emily would love to have that little dog!


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