The God that is in My Today AND My Tomorrow

COVID-19 has come to New York State and life as we know it has changed in the blink of an eye. Schools across the state are closed. There are states of emergency in many of our counties including the one we reside in. State colleges have closed for two weeks and have gone to online education for the remainder of the spring semester. Worst of all, people have gone crazy and are hoarding food, cleaning supplies, and paper goods. It's enough to make the calmest of us start to feel anxious.

As a church leader, as well as the director of our district women's organization, I have hard decisions to make as well. This morning I had a moment where I wanted to stay in bed and pull the covers up over my head.

However, life goes on and like it or not, we rise to the occasion. This is an opportunity to be the church to a hurting world and so that is what we are trying to do.

Dan is preaching through the book of Philippians and yesterday's message was on worry. It was interesting how it coincided with the craziness going on in the world. One of his points was interesting. Worry is the belief that God is NOT in our tomorrow. God wants us to focus on Him in this moment and this day. Tomorrow will come soon enough and guess what? God is in my tomorrow just like He is in my today.

I realized that is exactly what worry does. It is the fear that God will not work in my situation, that I can't trust Him, and that He won't show up. When I constantly choose to worry and feel anxious I'm putting myself in charge of the solution to the problem. I'm believing that God is not with me.

So as I hear new updates on the spread of this virus, see it moving swiftly towards our community, and see the fear and panic that people are experiencing I'm choosing to take today for what it has for me. God is with me in this moment so I'm going to focus on Him right now. I'm working on keeping my mind and my energy on this day. 

Just as He is with me today, He will be with me tomorrow!

Isaiah 41:10 ~

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”


  1. thank you o much for this
    I really needed to hear this for so many reasons

    1. You are welcome, Linda. Scary times but God is in control!


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