A Full Day


Every now and then I look around and realize how blessed I am. I love our life together. I enjoy being in ministry with my husband. I also like being able to run my own business which brings in a bit of money for some of the extras. I wake up each day and look forward to what that day will bring. It's a good life.

Today was spent working on business things. I will be participating in the local farmer's market here which begins on June 13th. 

One of the things I make each year is dandelion jelly. However, they spray the lawns here so there was no way I was going to be able to use any I found around town. However, a friend who lives outside of town, offered to let me come and pick on her property.

It was a beautiful day today so I headed out with my basket and my camera. It's late in the season so there weren't a ton but I was able to get enough for two batches of jelly. The petals are steeping overnight and then tomorrow I will pour the tea through cheesecloth and make the jelly.

This afternoon I made two different kinds of cookies for the freezer. Cookies freeze well and because the day before the market is spent baking bread, I try to work ahead so I'm not attempting to make everything all at once.

Dan and I went for a walk, I made masks for an order, and I pulled together dinner.

It's been a full day which started about 5:15 so I know I when my head hits the pillow, I will sleep well tonight. Tomorrow will look different as I'll be in the church office all morning and have an online meeting in the early afternoon, but I'm looking forward to what the new day will bring.


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