A Banana Was my Downfall

A banana was my downfall on Friday.

I had a moment on Friday night when I fell apart for a bit. I started crying and couldn't stop. Most of it happened because for the past 3 months we have been carrying the burden of keeping a church moving forward despite being closed down. 

Some of it was because I was absolutely exhausted. I had been on my feet baking and getting ready for the Saturday market from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. My back hurt, my knees and feet hurt and I was tired.

Some of it came from dealing with some major stress as we helped a family member work through a problem. 

And most of it happened because of some bananas.

I woke up on Saturday and we packed the car to get ready to go to the market to set up and I said to Dan, "What is wrong with me?" "Why can't I just do things small scale?" He laughed and said, "It's not possible." "You've been like this since I met you at the age of 25."

He's right. I want to do things with excellence. I sometimes bite off more than I can chew. I am involved in multiple things. Sometimes I need to learn to slow down and say no.

But, other than my moment of melt-down, I love my life. I enjoy the things I do. I am happy.

By the time we got set up I was back to my normal self. I had a wonderful time, met lots of nice people, had a great visit with a friend who came and sat with me and did really well. 

I'm still dragging a bit this morning because it was just a busy weekend, but I'm looking forward to my week. It should be a much slower week. I'm going to be smarter when it gets close to market day. 

But back to the bananas....

Last week someone called and asked if I would like a 100 lbs. of overripe bananas that they were offering to the bakers at the market. Yes, I took them and yes, that was really stupid. 1) I didn't realize how overripe they were and I had to deal with them the same day I was making bread. 2) I didn't realize how many bananas there are in 100 lbs.! lol I ended up processing 15 bags of 3 cup portions plus freezing another 25 whole bananas. I gave away about 50 lbs. as well. It was way too much!

So this week, if someone asks, "Would you like some bananas?" The answer will be a resounding, "NO!" 🍌🤣


  1. Whatever could one do with so many bananas??
    Sorry you have been coping with what sounds like a bit of a delayed reaction to a hard time.

    1. I pureed them with a bit of lemon juice to try and keep them from turning brown and froze them in three up portions. Banana bread, banana muffins, banana cake, smoothies, and the list goes on!


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