Multitude Monday

Almost every Monday for the past five years I have posted a Multitude Monday post, listing the different ways I saw God at work over the past week. I'm thankful that I started doing this because it's really changed my attitude about things.

Some weeks are harder than others and I'm often tempted to post only the good things. But I've also learned to see the Lord's hand in the hard times, the stressful times, the dry times and the painful times. Because it's through these times that the greatest lessons are learned. It's in the tough and troubled times that I learn to cling to His word and to Him. 

I'm thankful that He's given me the ability to see my life through His eyes. In my finite, human eye all I can see is the immediate, but through God's eyes I start to see the bigger picture and the larger purpose to things I go through.

And for that I'm thankful today.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #3,833-3,840.

3833. Emily received an email this week telling her that her internship for the fall was canceled. Needless to say, she was upset. However her professor immediately started working on it and was able to set her up with an interview for this afternoon with a different place. 

3834. Dan is such a good dad and I'm thankful for that. He's been helping Emily with the math portion of the GRE as she studies for these exams.

3835. Dan and I celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary this week by hiking. I'm thankful for the time I've been married to this man.

3836. I'm thankful for this beautiful area we live in.

3837. I'm thankful for technology. This past month I was able to interview our International Workers in West Africa, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Gabon, and Hong Kong via Zoom for our district churches. It's been a blessing.

3838. I am thankful for the ability to bring a bit of money through my business. It's been picking up and it's helpful.

3839. There are some walking trails here in town and I'm thankful for a beautiful place to walk.

3840. I am very thankful for warm weather and the ability to get outside and enjoy the beauty around me. It's been a tough few months and being able to be out really helps.

Being thankful has been a great way to turn my Mondays around.


  1. I enjoyed this post. Beautiful blessings.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Glad you have been able to get out and enjoy God's beauty in nature!

    1. Thanks, Jan! I'm thankful we are only about 30 minutes from the Allegheny National Forest.

  3. I always love your 'counting blessings' posts, Terri. It makes me conscious that I need to do that more often.

    1. I've been trying to stay faithful to posting them because it really does help!


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