Summer Rhythm

Summer takes on a different rhythm around here, especially now that I'm participating in the Saturday local market. Much of my time is taken up in preparing for Saturdays, but it is my main money maker so it is necessary. 

This week a friend invited me over to pick gooseberries. I've never had them and to me they tasted a bit like a tart grape. He told me to strip the bushes clean since they weren't going to use them and I ended up with about 7 quarts of berries. It was time consuming, especially having to destem them all to make jam. However, I'm thrilled that I can offer this at the next market.

I have been amazed at how many people come to the market and purchase craft items as well. I've sold 7 aprons in two weeks which is more than I sold in a whole season last year. I've been busy sewing to replace those, as well as filling private orders and Etsy orders.

It's been so hot this week so I'm trying to get a jump start on each day and make a batch of cookies early in the morning so my house doesn't heat up. Cookies freeze well and I can do those ahead of time.

Today's plan is bake a batch of cookies, 2 batches of muffins, another round of gooseberry jam, as well as blueberry, destem another whole bowl full of gooseberries, work on some district and church items, sew 2 aprons and whatever else I can squeeze in there.

The entire day on Friday is spent bread baking and labeling and packaging for Saturday's market.

It makes for a busy week but I'm enjoying it. Now if the temperature would just come down about 15 degrees I really would be happy. :-) I have felt like I'm wading through quicksand for the past few days and couldn't figure out why. Then I realized that it's probably the heat and humidity.

I'm thankful for an airconditioned bedroom because at least I can go in there to cool down from time to time. 

There are so many things I want to get done but it seems like each day slips away. I'm out of my soap and want to make some more, I need to find a place where I can buy a larger quantity of veggies to can. I miss the huge regional market I used to go to in our old area. The market I participate in has fruit and vegetable vendors but I'm generally tied to my table on Saturdays.

I have a million projects around here that need to get done so I'm off to get started on my day. Have a great day and stay cool!


  1. I do envy you the gooseberries! Normally there is a pick your own place nearby where we pick gooseberries every year, but this year it is closed.
    How busy you are at the minute!


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