A Multitude of Blessings

Fall is my favorite season and this weekend, as well as today, have been been filled with some of my favorite things. Fall decorations, fall colors, canning tomatoes, apple picking, apple pie and all sorts of delicious smells, tastes and sights. I have a half bushel of plum tomatoes that I need to dice and can. 

The past few days I've really tried to slow down and enjoy each moment as it comes. I'm usually barreling through a to-do list and often forget to just focus on the enjoyment of an activity.

Emily was here this weekend and is headed back to college late this afternoon, but first we are going to go apple picking with her. It's one of our favorite things to do and rather than think, "I really need to get other things done, I decided that I'm going to enjoy this moment with my girl."

This morning I made an apple pie for my husband and just focused on slowing down and enjoying each part of the process. And you know what? Since I wasn't rushing through it, the pie turned out perfect. There is love in that pie! :-)

I did something my mom used to do and took the pastry scraps and made cinnamon sugar pinwheels. A good memory and a tasty treat.

I decorated the front of the house on Saturday and also planted some mums. It looks cute and welcoming. I need to pull out my decorations and decorate inside as well but rather than make it feel like a hurried task I have to get through, I'm going to just pull out the bin and take my time even if it takes all week.

I've also been trying to stay off social media more which I find calming. Instead of endless scrolling, I'm trying to live my own life right now. Yesterday morning, I had my quiet time but then before church I was able to make a batch of delicious granola and prep a roast chicken for later in the day. Yesterday afternoon, I finished up a sewing project while Dan watched football. It was a very pleasant day.

Slow down, breathe, enjoy the moment, live in the present. And that makes my Monday heart full with a multitude of blessings.


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