Multitude Monday

Today is Multitude Monday and it's another week to look back and thank the Lord for the many ways He has blessed me throughout the week. My desire is to live a life of gratitude. Sometimes I fail at that, but this exercise has been a wonderful way to create an atmosphere of Thanksgiving. It's been a good way to remember that no matter how bleak things can seem that there is always something for which to be thankful.

This week I'm thankful for blessings #3,949 - 3,960.

3949.  Apple pie, fresh from the oven.

3950. Learning new skills. Dock seed which will be turned into dock seed flour.

3951. The most gorgeous fall colors.

3952. My son, Stephen, who has a plan to move forward in his life. I'm so proud of how determined he has become to reach his goals.

3953. Houseplants that change the whole feel of the room. I haven't had houseplants in years and I'm trying to get better at having some to brighten up the place. This is my dipladenia plant which was outside all summer. I need to buy a hook to hang it. It has beautiful red flowers on it.

3954. Early morning candelight.

3955. Having tea with a friend with yummy treats.

3956. A fun event at church. Pie making and Dan even got in on the fun.

3957. I had mentioned that we had a tent set up at the church across the street for those who wanted prayer during their food drive. I'm praising God this morning for two ladies who prayed and asked Christ into their hearts.

3958. Thankful for my Sunday School class. If all the kids would come I'd have at least 4 but generally it's only been one a week. Yesterday, I had three children. It felt like Christmas! lol

3959. Our church's tech team is a huge blessing. They work behind the scenes and sometimes with different obstacles happening each week. Yesterday, our livestream cut out because squirrels had gotten into the wires in the attic. lol They do a great job each week!

and finally...

3960. The ability to look back each week and say, "Thank you, Lord."


  1. Squirrels! How very naughty of them.

    1. They are such a nuisance. I planted bulbs the other day, watered them, walked behind the house to get something and in the less than five minutes I was around back, one was in the garden bed trying to dig up the bulbs!

  2. No one is wearing masks? Very brave.

    1. Theresa, yes they were when moving about the room. Once they get seated they can take them off. When we did the pie making event they could take them off when they were at their stations.


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