My Spiritual Acts of Worship

I went for a walk yesterday and as I walked and prayed, I took photographs. I'm rarely without my camera on these walks and I often wonder why I do that. I'm never going to sell them and my nature photos aren't taken for a scrapbook or anything like that. I sometimes use them in my writing, but that's about it. But then a friend who saw them on Facebook commented that they are my act of worship.

And she so eloquently put into words what I was feeling, but couldn't figure out how to express. I often feel like I'm a strange sort of woman. I am introspective and have strong emotions that need an outlet. Many activities in my life are a way to express my faith and my worship. 

I know for some people it seems silly to post pictures of baking, sewing, canning and walks and write about them. But my writing and activities often communicate my thoughts better than my mouth can do. 

As I walk, I often find tears springing to my eyes at the beauty around me that was created simply because the creator desired beauty. A tiny thread coming off a plant. The beauty of changing leaves. Tufts of fluff from a seeding weed. The delicate claws of a bird hanging onto a slender branch. All beautiful and all designed for God's pleasure.

I worship as I work in my home. My ability to take flour and yeast and water and mix it and knead it into crusty loaves is an act of worship as I thank God for allowing me to feed my family. Splashes of colors in canning jars are worship as I'm grateful for the ability to preserve food. 

Taking leaves, berries and branches and creating a centerpiece or taking fabric and thread and sewing them into beautiful gifts and products is my worship as I pray over each item and then allow God to use my creativity to create beauty.

All of these things are woven together in the way I express my worship of my Maker. I long to bring beauty into this world and these small offerings are the way I can do this. They are expressions of the deep love and faith I have and my hope is that they are pleasing in God's eyes.

Romans 12:1 ~

Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship


  1. I love your photos Terri,and find them very inspring.

  2. Terri, You just don't know how much you have blessed me over and over with not just your photos but, more of your sharing of your heart. When you share your life struggles/difficulties but...more of your faith and trust in Father for His will in your life is SO helpful to me and blesses me SO much! I'm in a difficult place right now myself as I'm home right now and being blessed to get any kind of income...provided by the federal leave act as my husband has health concerns that my job would possibly put him in jeopardy. I've had difficulty on this job of not expressing...really reacting and defending myself when..I've known that I didn't have to but, found it difficult to hold back from some of the worldly,deceitful and just mean things said and done without remorse a lot of the times. I'm ashamed that I've not obeyed my Father and maybe could have affected the environment for better...but, I'm also grateful He has allowed me this time away to reflect,repent and renew myself in Him...although it's being hard to focus after so many years of catering to people so much. I've rambled to long and just want to thank you for sharing all that you do with us all. P.S....I also try to can and sew and craft but, have found that I've become a disorganized hoarder because I don't have the time for it all right now and have to sort out, pass along and decide what I can do. Fathers richest blessings to you! Love, Because of Jesus.. Sandy

    1. Sandy, thank you for your very sweet reply. That encouraged me! I'm sorry you are going through difficult times at the moment and I hear you on reacting instead of remaining quiet. I struggle with that many times and always feel irritated with myself that I didn't respond correctly. We are definitely all works in progress! Thank you again for sharing. It's helpful to know that we are not alone in our struggles! Have a wonderful day! Terri


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