Bits and Pieces of Memory

I've been back home since Sunday and have found it hard to have energy to do much of anything. I think a lot of it is just being emotionally drained. However, life goes on, and I do have things that need to get done, so while I've been taking it slow, I have managed to do a few things.

One of those things is getting my house back in order after being gone for a month. My houseplants were so sad looking. Dan has even less of a green thumb than I do. lol I brought back a few of my mother's plants with me, including the Christmas cactus. I had started working on perking it back up when I was at Mom's house. The blinds had been drawn much of the time and it got watered sporadically, so with some TLC I managed to bring it back to life and get it to bloom. I'm hoping it does okay up here in the colder climate.

Our Christmas decorations are up and we are enjoying the tree lights. Almost every house on the street is lit up with outside lights so our neighbors probably think we are Scrooges since I only have a candle in one window and a wreathe on the door. I've never gone with the whole light-show thing anyway so I'm happy with what we have.

My mom had an advent candle set that she had never opened so I now am using that. I was also able to put up some family pictures and paintings that family had created.

I even managed to make one batch of Christmas cookie dough that I'm going to bake today. I sewed a couple of sets of coasters and cut fabric for a few more projects. But every little thing I do feels like a huge effort. I'm praying that my energy will return soon.

But as I look around my house at some of my new treasures - photos, paintings, a few glass containers for my kitchen, some sewing items and a few books, I'm thankful that I have these bits and pieces of the memory of my mother. They are a sweet memento of her life.


  1. My heart goes out to you
    The loss and pain must be very difficul.
    My own mother was abusive and an alcoholic so when she died I had no pain.
    God did put a women in my life who was everything to me.
    When she died the pain was awful but I know I will see her again in heaven and the good news is you will see your Mom
    We are just passing through on this earth.

    1. That's right; we are just passing through so cling lightly to things.

  2. Hi, I have been thinking about you...I heard a great piece of advice before: Do the next thing. For instance, you managed to do the dishes, next step is to dry, next step is to put away. You just keep doing "the next thing". Easier said than done while you ate grieving. Praying for you today....

    1. Yes, just keep doing the next thing. Thank you for your prayers!

  3. Thinking of you, Terri! All you're going through is part of the grieving process, and it's ok to feel this way. The lack of sunshine doesn't help either. I'm glad you have some things that keep your mom's memory close to your heart. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


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