Making a List and Checking it Twice

Time has gotten away from me and I'm finding myself with a very long list of things that need to happen in a short amount of time. I've been busy baking and filling orders, but to be honest, I need to come up with a plan or else I'm going to have nothing done but have piles of cookies sitting around me.

The cookies are a part of the preparations for the holiday, but they are not the only thing. Last night I actually sat down and ordered gifts for my children (yes, I waited until the last minute and yes, online shopping just isn't the same). We are close to the Pennsylvania border where we normally shop, but with new restrictions in place by the PA governor, it makes it more difficult. So I shopped from the comfort of my chair.

Anyway, I decided to come up with a list so I can make sure I'm not missing anything and can roll up my sleeves and get it done! This list doesn't include my normal district and church work. It's strictly Christmas preparations.

𐄂 Shop for Dan - that I'm going out and local to do.

𐄂 Pick up stocking stuffers

𐄂 Write Christmas Cards

𐄂 Write thank you notes - I'm so far behind on this

𐄂 Make one more kinds of cookie

𐄂 Make one more batch of fudge 

𐄂 Prepare Advent reading for church this Sunday

𐄂 Decorate gingerbread cookies

𐄂 Package up gifts for extended family 

𐄂 Put together gifts for church family - every year I've always made something for our church and so need to get started on these.

𐄂 Get readings together for our Christmas Eve service

𐄂 Practice song I'm singing for Christmas Eve

𐄂 Get little gifts together for children at church

𐄂 Get gifts together for our church board 

𐄂 Buy wrapping paper and tape

𐄂 Wrap presents

𐄂 Grocery shop for Christmas eve and Christmas dinners

𐄂 Come up with Christmas eve and Christmas Day menu

𐄂 Make cookie platters for the neighbors

𐄂 Make cookie platter for Christmas Eve service

𐄂 Enjoy my family! Both Emily & Stephen will be here on the 23rd.

I'm off to get moving on checking things off this list. I love this time of the year and even though it's busy, it truly does bring me joy as I plan these little surprises to bring a smile to my friends and family.


  1. Terri, that's quite a list! You do work hard.

  2. It looks like a very happy list ! I just need to wrap gifts for my daycare children.....

    1. It actually has made me happy as I've done some of these things. It's a bittersweet holiday this year.


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