Tiptoeing into the New Year

Each December I sit down and make my plans and goals for the new year. I figure out what I would like to do in the coming year and then move forward with the desire to make it happen. 

One thing 2020 has taught me is to not hold onto my plans too tightly. They can change in the blink of an eye and the reality is that we have very little control over anything in our lives. The only thing I have any real control over is how I react to the things that come my way. 

So as I look forward into 2021, I'm treading softly. I know that things can change rapidly when circumstances beyond my control happen. But what I do want to work on is my own attitude and response to situations. I'm trying to take "ME" out of the equation and put "GOD" and "OTHERS" first.

My main goal for this coming year is to learn to enjoy each moment that comes my way and to learn to follow God's leading in my life. I would like to wake up each day, spend time in God's word and prayer, and then see what He would have me do that day. 

So many people say they will pray about what God would have them do in a multitude of situations. I'm all for prayer, but I think the main thing God wants all of us to do is to live our lives with gratitude, treat others as we want to be treated, and walk in faith. The details of what we do or don't do don't matter as much to Him as the heart attitude behind it. 

So as I tiptoe softly into the New Year without any major goals, my continued prayer is that God would continue to mold me into a woman that points to Him and that makes the lives of others better. It's in doing those two things that my life is enriched as well.


  1. "my continued prayer is that God would continue to mold me into a woman that points to Him and that makes the lives of others better"
    This is the very best 2021 goal I can think of.

    2020 has certainly taught me I have no control on anything outside of myself.

    1. As someone who likes to be in control that has been a hard lesson to learn! But definitely one that's good to understand. Happy New Year, Rhonda!


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