One Foot in Front of the Other

I had a dream last night that I was in school and was performing in front of an audience. When I was done with my less than stellar performance, I went looking for my mother in the cafeteria for comfort. I knew she was there waiting for me. However, when I went to look for her, she was no where to be found. And then I woke up with the knowledge that she is gone.

I know I'll see her again one day, but that still doesn't always ease the pain I feel now. The past couple of weeks I haven't really thought about my mom too much and that is mostly because I have been sick. But I'm finding as I'm feeling better that memories of her are popping back up to the surface.

But even though I grieve, life goes on and all I can do is put one foot in front of the other each day. I get up, get dressed, and move forward step by step. I do know that as time goes on the pain will ease and I'm also thankful that my trust is in God who helps me through these rough patches.

My heart still misses the one person in my life whom I knew I could reach out to whenever I needed an "I love you," a word of encouragement, and a hug. 

But today I got up and put my feet on the floor and moved out of the bedroom. I spent some time reading and in prayer and then I will move on to the next thing on my list. And then the next and the next until the day is done. One foot in front of the other is the way you move forward through these things. 

I don't know what you are going through this day, but I encourage you to get up, put your feet on the floor and move forward one step at a time. Trust in the One who watches over each footstep and is walking beside you on your journey through this life.

He will see you through whatever you face and one day, those steps will be easier.


  1. I am so so sorry for your loss and that you are ill.
    I had an abusive mother but in my 40's God put a wonderful to me mother in my life. She has been gone now for several years and I still have a hole. She was always always there to pick up the phone when I called. Never too busy for me. I know I will see her again just as you will see your Mom.
    Yes we are just passing through this place -on to heaven


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