Points of Light

In looking back over the past few months I thought, "This blog has become a bit of a downer!" Almost every post seems so serious. I haven't felt a lot of light and joy the past few months and it has obviously carried over into this realm.

I write because it's a way to help me process so that means you may get the good, the bad, and the ugly! But I do try to write in a way that each reader can pull some bit of truth from the post. I point people to the source of help, which is the Lord. It's where I find my strength and I know that He can help you no matter what you are going through.

Today I do want to focus on some points of happiness, joy and light that have happened over the past week. Monday is always devoted to a post on thankfulness and I'm feeling thankful for a few things.

Beautiful sunrises out my front window. This is the worst picture of it because it was through the window, but it was breathtaking.

More bird activity, a sure sign spring is on the way.

Discovering ways to connect with my small group, even though the church is temporarily closed for "in-person" services and activities.

A visit from family, the first since the summer. My nephew was home from a year in Thailand and he and my brother-in-law came for lunch.

A trip to visit my daughter and to meet her boyfriend. The past three times we were scheduled to meet him, a catastrophe happened. It was nice to finally get there and he is very sweet.

I still can't taste or smell, but I'm thankful that the desire to cook is back. I made Italian minestra last night.

The sight of bars of soap curing in our spare bedroom brings me joy. A sign that the farmer's markets will be starting up soon.

My mom's Christmas cactus just keeps on blooming. It has tons of new buds and every day I see another one pop up. I don't know what I'm doing right, but it makes me happy!

I was asked to participate in a Fall Craft Show in our old area. They were hand selecting particular vendors and it was an honor to be asked and I'm thankful that a friend is letting me stay with her so I don't have to spend money on a hotel.

When I look at all those little points of light they add up to one big bright spot in the week. And a reason I'm thankful on this Multitude Monday.


  1. What I love about you is that you are so real.
    To say we live in a happiness bubble is unrealistic
    The past year has been very very difficult for us
    We have been so isolated only seeing our bible study group on Mon evenings vi azoom
    Not everyone we know has been so isolating as us but our age and some medical conditions
    that is what we re doing
    We know the God has never left us

    1. Thank you, Linda! And you right; God is still present!


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