Can You Hear It?

Can you hear it? It's in the noisy chirping of birds.

The winged and free, swooping and diving

Speaking volumes without words.

Can you hear it? It's in the movement of furry and sleek

Moving and chewing, shuffling and snuffling

Moving across land and creek.

Can you hear it? It's in the warmth of sunshine upon my head

Warming and uplifting, bringing growth and green

Welcoming as I rise from my bed.

Can you hear it? It's in the wind both gentle and wild

Calming and refreshing, at times it is bracing

Whipping and petulant as a child.

Can you hear it? It's the breath in my lungs

Pulling air in and out, giving life to my body

Lifting chest and giving life to old and to young.

Can you hear it? The voice of my God

Heeding His words, spoken in all that was made

Singing over all as we worship with awe.

Can you hear it? Concentrate if you will

Listening for it as you look all around, alert to the sound

Hearing His voice requires us to be still.


  1. Beautiful and such a good reminder to stop and listen for His voice!

  2. Beautiful! I love the many ways God speaks through his creation.


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