Spring Emerging

Things have started blooming and it seems as if overnight everything is coming to life. It was a tough winter for me personally and I've felt like I've been in my own hibernation. Inactivity and depression have taken a toll and it's been difficult to get out of the hole I've been in. I have never experienced depression before and it's been hard to deal with. I don't like the feelings of sadness and the lack of energy it brings. 

In an effort to get out of the funk, I've been working at getting outside in the sunshine and fresh air and that definitely helps. I don't always feel like moving, but I know that when I force myself, I'll feel 100% better! I've had more energy and don't feel so down. 

My tulips had been sitting tightly closed for about 2 weeks when this week they burst open. Beautiful!


Dan and I went hiking for the first time this season on Monday and it was nice to get out into the woods. We live fairly close to the Allegheny National Forest and I'm thankful we have such a beautiful place to hike.

I've been more in the mood to cook and bake too and have churned out some delicious meals this past week. I've been trying to eat better because I know that definitely helps improve my outlook.

Fiesta Sloppy Joes

Chicken and Biscuits

Oatmeal-applesauce muffins. These are a healthier version sweetened with applesauce and made with whole wheat flour. It was a recipe I was testing out and they didn't rise like my normal muffins do but they taste good.


Whole wheat bread

I've been making soap and salves for the local market this summer. I've been rethinking what to bring. I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew and I'm thinking of rather than doing the cookies, breads, jams and jellies that I may just stick with my sewing items and soaps. It just gets overwhelming at times to try and do so much. 

I had my first vaccine last week and I did end up with a fever and very sore arm with some tiredness. However, I'm feeling much better this week. I'm hoping the second vaccine goes better though I don't think that's been everyone's experience. 

It's been ten weeks since I've lost my taste and smell and while it's come back a bit, it's not 100% and it comes and goes. The other day, I couldn't taste or smell anything all day long. Today I can taste some things. Weird!

Spring is here and I'm feeling a bit more energetic. I wake up each day and put one foot in front of the other. It's the only way to move forward. 


  1. Your words and pictures are inspiring, Terri. Thank you! I'm glad you're thinking of ways to simplify your approach to the local market; that's a good example to many of us who bite off more than we can chew.

  2. Your meals look so appetising, Terri. I think you are wise to cut back a bit at the market, you can make up at a later date.

    1. Thanks, Barbara! I definitely think I need to focus and do a few things well than spreading myself so thin.


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