Ruffled Feathers

I could feel my feathers being ruffled as I spoke with the person. I'm old enough now and fairly in touch with what is going on inside of me to recognize why I was feeling hurt and defensive. 

I'm learning to hold onto my expectations with a very loose hand. People are not going to meet my emotional needs. They can be unkind, thoughtless and at times deliberately mean. Often they are lost in their own problems and concerns and don't have the awareness of what I need at that moment.

When I keep looking to people to fill what only God can fill, then my feathers get ruffled. When I expect others to intuitively understand what is going on within me, I am going to be disappointed every time. And when I put expectations on others I set myself up for failure.

Neither money, success, friends, a relationship, nor family will fill that empty spot inside of you. The world is full of people looking to people and things to satisfy a longing that can only be met by the Lord.

Don't keep looking to a person or things or platitudes to complete you and meet your needs. It won't happen. You may feel satisfied for a time, but there will always be something else that highlights that God-sized spot in your heart.

Christ alone is the answer. He is the one who can smooth our ruffled feathers and complete that longing within our soul.


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