Multitude Monday

Red, yellow, orange and brown are the colors I see wherever I look. I love autumn and the trees are showing their brilliance this year. It's been a beautiful fall.

We are entering into my favorite season and I'm looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving, advent and Christmas. I bought my turkey the other day and since I'm cooking the turkey part of the meal for 15 people I got the biggest I could find. 

As I enter into Thanksgiving season, I want to remember that being thankful isn't for just one month or one day, it's a year around requirement for being a Christian.

However, so often we grumble and complain and are just downright unpleasant. We complain about minor inconveniences, the weather, politics, and our own aches and pains. Can you imagine what a witness it would be to just be full of joy and thankfulness?

I'm working on doing a better job of that. I'm not always successful, but want to be a woman who is known for her joyful spirit and her smile. 

Today is Monday and traditionally, it's been the day when I list my blessings so I want to start the month off right with today's thankful list.

🎜I'm thankful for a wonderful worship service yesterday. It was different because the entire service was devoted to prayer and praise, but it was beautiful.

🎜I'm thankful for good sales both on Etsy and in my friend's shop. I've done better than I ever could have imagined at the shop and my Etsy sales were great this month too.

🎜Nathan has a Care Coordinator who comes to the house once a month to discuss his future plans with him. It's been wonderful to have someone who is knowledgeable about resources for him and pushes him to go outside his comfort zone.

🎜Emily is doing fantastic in graduate school and getting great grades.

🎜Stephen got a new job and will be starting after Thanksgiving. I'm thankful he was able to get something that is less stressful in the field he likes.

🎜My husband is such a hard worker and I'm thankful for him and the way God has gifted him.

🎜Thankful my mother-in-law is getting around and doing much better.

🎜I'm thankful the small group I teach. There are anywhere between 9-11 of us and it's been challenging and a great study.

There are so many more things I could mention, but those are the ones that came to the top of my head. I'm thankful for Mondays because it's a reminder to look back at the previous week and say, "Thank you!"


  1. It sounds as though there are some good things happening in your life, Terri. The Lord is so merciful to us isnt He?


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