When You Want to Sit on the Side of the Road

There are days when it seems like no matter how hard I try, I cannot say or do the right thing. I put my foot in my mouth, am misunderstood, or stumble and fall. And when I am hearing the voices of critics, both real and imagined, I want to sit down and give up. 

But that is right where the enemy would love me to stay, plunked down on the side of the road and not fulfilling the purpose the Lord has given me. The devil would love to keep me wallowing in self-defeat, but I refuse to do that.

I know that the Lord has called me. I know He has a specific purpose for my life and has given me a job to do and I am not going to give in to those taunts that tell me. You messed up. You are not good enough. You have nothing to offer. No one really wants your ministry.

I refuse to listen. I refuse to wallow. I refuse to waste one single, precious moment that the Lord has given me, feeling like I don't belong or getting sidetracked.

Perhaps you are in that space of self-defeat and self-doubt. I want to encourage you, my friend, to not give in to those voices. Don't listen when you hear, "Give up!" The road of life is a long one, but if you are following where the Lord is leading, then you have nothing to fear. Just keep moving forward one step at a time wherever He leads. 

God's voice is one of encouragement and love and gentleness. If that is not the voice you are listening to then it's time to shut off the voices telling you that God has no use for you. That is a lie being fed to you and you have no business as a Christ-follower listening to it.

God has a plan and purpose for each of us. So keep following His voice. You won't regret it. 


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