New Year's Goals, Goal-Setting, Making My Goals

I made New Year's goals and hadn't planned on posting them here, but I think I want to continue to do that each year because it allows me opportunity to go in each month and see how I'm doing and stay on track. Doing it publicly is a bit of a motivation to stick to it. 

It's been a strange sort of month because it's been so incredibly busy compared to how January normally is. I had a week long conference, a retreat and day long conference. I got sick which threw me for a loop for about a week and a major mailing to get together for my district ministry for a conference we are having in April. 

I didn't spend much time actually thinking about goals so I'm glad I'm sitting down to do this today. When I wrote them out, I broke them into categories and have quite a few categories. Then I started to come up with a plan on how to achieve each goal which fell by the wayside once I got busy.

This week I want to actually sit down and work on planning this out. Just writing out goals without a step by step way you are going to achieve them isn't going to work. 

2022 Goals


1. Move more - at least 10,000 steps a day
2. Lose 30 lbs. this year
3. Get mammogram done


1. Minimize and declutter
2. Organize and clean our storage areas
3. Organize paperwork
4. Make a will


1. Set up budget with Dan and stick to it.
2. Cut back on eating out and take out
3. Set up savings for future house purchase
4. Pay off one major debt this year


1.  Find ways to continue to connect with women at both the church and the district level and expand that ministry.
2.  Publish my study on the book of James (in the proofing stage)
3. Figure out if I’m going to do the markets this summer and what exactly I'll bring. 

So those are most of my goals. I do have a few personal ones that I'm not going to share here. I was happy to say that the one goal I had of moving my office already happened. I have moved to an office down in the children's area of our church where it is quieter and I can concentrate better. 

Another goal this year was to encourage others in ministry in our church. Each January our district has a big training event and I was thrilled that we had 9 from our little church go this year. It was especially nice to have all these young faces with us! They are the future of the church. 

I'm going to keep plugging away at these goals and may revisit them here or there throughout the year on this blog. It helps to keep me motivated and working at achieving them.

 #goalsetting #2022goals #goalsforthenewyear #newyearsgoals #goals


  1. I am not a goal setter but probably should be. My husband and I do not have a will yet. For years it was because we could not agree who our children would go to in the event of a tragedy. Now it is just laziness :).

    Good luck on your goals. They sound attainable for sure. Have a blessed week.

  2. Very inspiring Terri, with lots planned. I would say that making a will is very important indeed.


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