Strike a Chord

Every action of our lives touches some chord that will vibrate in eternity. 

~ Edwin Hubbel Chapin

A dear man in our church passed away unexpectedly two weeks ago. He was 60 years old and it was a shock to his wife and daughter, as well as to our entire church. His memorial service was yesterday and it was a wonderful tribute to his life. He was quiet and didn't say much and yet, when he did speak, his words spoke volumes.

His life touched so many others and he will be deeply missed.

So often we go through life and feel as if we have never made a difference. We may never know when some small gesture we make strikes a chord in the spirit of another person. It's a gift when we do hear of some way we encouraged another or helped to change the trajectory of someone's life, but for many of us, we will never know.

I was reminded of an old song by Ray Boltz entitled, "Thank you." You may never know this side of heaven how much your life touches another, but go out and shine your light today!


  1. So very true. My heart goes out to those who are suddenly bereaved. May his widow and daughter be surrounded by love at this time. We must live each day to the full, in His strength, for His glory


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