Multitude Monday

I'm probably one of the few weird people in the world that actually likes Mondays. Much of the reason I like it is because it always feels like a fresh new "do-over" that happens each week. 

The other reason is that it's an opportunity for me to look back and see how the Lord has worked in the previous week and find things to be thankful about. There is plenty that goes wrong in any given week, but there is also many ways God is at work in all of our lives and those are the things I want to focus on. 

It's easy enough to dwell on the negative so this exercise is a great way to flip it around and see the many good things in my life.

This week I'm thankful for the following:

🎜The beauty of newly fallen snow. I truly am getting tired of it, but it certainly is beautiful to look at.

🎜A new kitchen faucet that no longer leaks.

🎜Trying my hand at new recipes and having them turn out perfectly.

🎜My knee is healing and doing so much better. I'm still doing the physical therapy exercises at home and I still have to be careful, but I see definite improvement.

🎜 I'm thankful that things like my son's birthday, the Super Bowl and Valentine's Day happen this month because it truly does help to make the dreary winter days in February go by quickly and helps to make them festive.

Coconut Ice

🎜 Dan gave me the opportunity to give the message yesterday and I'm thankful that the Lord helped me with insight into a tricky passage.

🎜I love decorating and planning events and I'm thankful for the opportunity to do that here. We had a ladies luncheon yesterday after church and it was so fun to decorate.

and finally...

🎜Opportunities to be thankful each week!

#blogger #blogpost #encouragement #encouragementforadiscouragedworld #thankful #thankfulness #multitudemonday


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