Snow Days Mean Baking, Decluttering, and Puttering

January and now, February, have been very snowy months here in New York State. Every now and then the sun peeps out for a bit, but for the most part, it's been dreary and gray.

One of my goals this year is to declutter and get rid of things that I don't use. It's amazing to me that no matter how often I do this, things creep back into the house and before I know it, I have to go through the decluttering cycle once again. Each day I've been filling up a small box of items and carting it to the local thrift shop.

This plant was sitting in a small basket that made it difficult to water without spilling. I donated the basket and replaced it with this bowl my sister-in-law gave me for my birthday. Now if water leaks out the bottom of the plant I don't have to worry about it going all over the countertop.

While decluttering, I found this little pitcher that I had forgotten about. I was going to donate it, but it's so cute which is why I got it in the first place. I decided to keep it. I've been filling it with water and sliced fruit and keep it in the fridge and use it throughout the day. I just refill when done.

I've also been in a baking mood lately.

Coconut ice for Valentine's Day as well as a ladies luncheon on Sunday. 

Sourdough bread. I've finally mastered the starter and making the bread and this loaf was the best-to-date.

I made some granola and just mix in whatever I have. This batch had sunflower seeds, walnuts, coconut and raisins.

I've been incorporating eggs into my breakfast line-up. A fried egg on toast feels like comfort food.

I made homemade Oreos last week and they turned out great! It was my first time using black cocoa powder and while it gave them the right color, I think I may just go back to regular cocoa powder. Yesterday, I made some heart shaped sugar cookies and just need to frost them. Those are going to my luncheon on Sunday as well as for Valentine's Day.

I've been busy in the sewing department too. I've mostly focused on table runners and will be moving on to something else next. 

In between the baking, decluttering and sewing, I've been working on a message, as well as other ministry items. I've been busy which is good because otherwise, I would have cabin fever!

I'm longing for spring, flowers and warm weather!

#decluttering #simplifying #baking #sewing #snowday 


  1. I love the home baked Oreos. Two questions (1) what's the recipe, please? And (2)how do you get that lovely pattern on top?

    1. Angela, I used this recipe: The only thing I would have done differently is add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the dough and if using black cocoa cut it to 1 cup and just increase the flour by 1/4 cup. I have a rolling pin that has a pattern on it. I rolled it out with a regular pin and then went over the top with the embossed rolling pin.

    2. Thanks for this. It is half term this week and my granddaughter will be visiting. Maybe we will bake some together. Love and blessings 🙏❤️👍

  2. I just don't know how you do it all, Terri. Send some of that energy here!

    1. lol! Don't forget these photos were taken over the course of 2 weeks!

  3. The bread and cookies look amazing. Your family is so fortunate to have a baker in the house. My family gets store bought bread and cookies :).

    1. Thanks, Theresa! I've been baking for so long it's second nature.

  4. Your sour dough bread looks yummy!


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