Multitude Monday: When Life Comes to a Screeching Halt

As of yesterday, my life has come to a screeching halt. The traveling is done for awhile. There are currently no speaking engagements, no more pressing events and my class is over. Unfortunately, all of the traveling and sitting has taken a toll on my lower back and I have been in pain the past few days.

This morning I am taking it slow, alternating between ice and heat and trying to get up every so often and move around in order to heal. However, though I'm in pain, I am thankful for the opportunities I've had over the past few weeks.

Today I'm thankful for the following:

💗 Wonderful conversations with people and being able to offer encouragement.

💗 Prayers of affirmation over me by others.

💗 I am thankful for a husband who supports me in my ministry.

💗 A church family who does the same.

💗 Safety while I drove, sometimes being very tired.

💗 Adult kids who seek out our advice.

💗 Finishing my class well. I had papers and assignments due almost every single week on top of my normal "life". 

💗 Opportunity to walk nearby in a beautiful setting and the ability to do so now that my knee is doing better.

💗 A much needed nap yesterday.

and finally....

💗 A slower few weeks to decompress and get my house back in shape (once my back gets into shape)!


  1. Rest in the Lord, and grow well and strong again, dear friend. Back pain is AWFUL - been there, done that - but it is so important to STOP and REST. Never easy when you are a busy, get-it-done gal. But the Lord will provide the time and space you need...💓🙏.💓🙏 .💓🙏

    1. Thank you, Angela! Resting is about all I actually can do at the moment. I'm listening to my body! :-)


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