Forever Changed


Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001?  I do. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news about the planes crashing into the World Trade Centers.

I was standing on my back porch and hanging clothes on the line and the radio was playing in the background. I heard the radio announcer say that a plane had hit one of the towers.  Because initially, I wasn't paying too much attention I thought it was a small plane. Then a few minutes later, another plane hit the second tower. That caught my attention and I went and turned the television on.

The images and news coming over the screen forever changed our lives.  I watched in horror as people threw themselves out of these skyscrapers to get away from the flames.  We lived 30 minutes away from New York City and could see the smoke rising in the horizon.  I knew people who worked in the towers. I felt sick and spent most of the day glued to the set.

Days, weeks and months passed and with the passing time, another part of my life changed. I realized how fleeting life could be. How in a just a split second things could change and your feelings of security and safety could end. I realized that your family can be ripped apart in just a moment.

I started to reevaluate my life and our family and how I seemed to be so detached from them. Dan & I worked for an inner city ministry and I was working about 12-15 hours a day.  My children were with me since we had a preschool we ran, but I never had time for them. I was there physically, but not always there emotionally.

That moment in time forever changed the way I viewed my husband and children.  We made changes in our priorities.  Changes in the way we deal with things.  I realized what is really important - my relationship with God, my husband, my children and my extended family and friends.

What does it matter if I'm successful here on earth if I'm not sure of where I'll spend eternity?

Who cares how much money I earn and how big my house is when I enjoy it alone because I've sacrificed a family for it?

How does having lots of social media followers make me happy when my elderly neighbor is sitting alone in her house?

Live for what really counts!

I think many are forever changed by this moment in our country's history eleven years ago. I know I was.


  1. We were sitting in the garden this afternoon and my son in law suddenly reminded us of the date. I think that here in the UK the 9/11 anniversary has passed us by this year because of the death of the Queen. My SIL said that it was always marked at his previous company because they had an office on the - th floor and lost staff. Life is precious and fleeting. Thank the Lord that he holds all our tomorrows

  2. The world to me is now viewed in pre and post 9/11 terms. Maybe we see the past with rose coloured glasses but I truly feel the world seemed happier, safer and just better prior to that awful day.
    Every year around this time the sadness is still palpable. Life is fleeting and worldly things so meaningless in light of eternity. It is too bad it often takes a tragedy for us to realize what is really important.


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