A Cracked Pot

2 Corinthians 4:6-7 ~

For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.

I have an earthenware crock that has a lid and I use it to make sauerkraut. However, the lid is cracked and it is fragile so I always have be careful when I am using it. One slip and the whole thing will shatter. I also put a cloth under the lid to keep the air from getting in. The crock doesn't look the prettiest and has some weird discolorations on the outside of it. 

But that crock has held many delicious pints of sauerkraut throughout the years. I've also used it as part of my Christmas decor last year. I am so careful when using it because I don't want to drop it and break it. It's amazing to me that something so fragile can also be so sturdy and can be used to make delicious food. 

We are a lot like that crock. God's light and the Holy Spirit dwell in us and can do mighty things through us and yet, we are fragile. We are easily wounded and broken. We have many cracks that seem like they would make us useless.

I often wonder why God chose to use me to minister to others when I have so many flaws. I'm not a superstar and struggle with different weaknesses. The reason He chose each and every one of us to work through, despite our cracks, is so there would be no doubt as to who is doing the work. Any good that we do, and any light that shines out of us, is because of the power of God working through us. We cannot do anything good in our own strength. It is only because the Lord chooses to use us to accomplish His purposes. 

I'm so thankful that He chooses to work through my cracked pot to do good. And I'm thankful that He does the same for each of us. You have a great treasure inside of you. Go out and allow the Lord to work through you today. 


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