Choosing Limits

John 1:14 ~

The Word became flesh
and took up residence among us.
We observed His glory,
the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father,
full of grace and truth.

I'm battling a headache today. I feel lethargic and like my head is in a vice. Even going for a walk hasn't really helped. However, as I was walking this afternoon a few thoughts came into my mind.

We are all familiar with the above verse that talks about God becoming flesh and living among us. Jesus was fully God and yet, fully human, until He ascended back into heaven after the resurrection.

I am amazed that He would deliberately take on this frail human body. We are told in Scripture that He experienced hunger, thirst, tiredness, anger, pain and all the human emotions we have. He experienced temptation and despair. Can you imagine what it must have been like when all this humanness came upon Him? Can you imagine suddenly having limitations when He was God?

Who would deliberately choose to suffer pain or illness? Who would choose to feel the negative emotions of sadness and anger and depression? Who would choose the finiteness of this human body? And who would finally choose to die a horrendous death?

I am so thankful that Jesus chose this in order to show God's love for me. His obedience to the Father allows me to have a relationship with the Lord. 

No matter what I face or how bad some days are, Jesus is walking beside me through it. This thought overwhelms me at times and also provides the strength I need to get through the day. 

And I am thankful that some day I will no longer experience  any of these things. Some day there will be no more pain or emotions or limitations or disabilities.

And these thoughts stir up joy and hope within me. 


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